Untitled Document

Joe Lathrop has been representing OCG on the speaking circuit since 1986. He is a sought after speaker on both the state and national levels regarding tourism and related organizational topics.





What we've learned:

Speeches given after a cocktail hour and a prime rib dinner have a limited chance of success

“For the last 10 years we’ve had Joe speak at the majority of our annual meetings because he’s consistently on target regarding key issues and forecasting what our members should be addressing. His sessions are well attended, insightful and receive excellent attendee ratings. His passion and commitment is always evident.”

Elaine Rosquist

Some topics…

For Bureaus Only:
A Strategic Planning Model That Really Works

Does Your Marketing Plan Measure Up?
40 Criteria for Checking It Out

Regional Marketing: Potential for Profits and Pitfalls

Quality of Destination: What is the Role of the CVB?

Watching Out for Alligators

CVB Accountability: An Ongoing Challenge

What is it that Customers Really Want?
Identifying Key Indicators of Customer Satisfaction

The Delicate Art of Managing Board Relations

Our Consulting Services:
· Strategic Planning
· DMO Excecutive Coaching Services
· Board Governance
· Surveys & Research
· Speaking
· Organizational and Destination Development
· Destination Success International
· Human Resources

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